Laboratory of BAS Purification and Certification
Laboratory of BAS Purification and Certification was founded in 2016 as a result of the joining of the Laboratories of Physicochemical Analysis and BAS Isolation and Purification. Both laboratories have maintained their infrastructures, which resulted in a greater scientific and technical basis for increasing the efficiency of the research carried out in the laboratory. Laboratory of BAS Purification and Certification is engaged in the development of efficient technologies for the separation and purification of BAS from various raw materials and wastes, as well as in the qualitative and quantitative identification of BAS in the samples of various nature through modern analytical and instrumental methods.
The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art high-precision analytical devices, in particular American “Waters 2695” HPLC system, Italian “EURA EA 3000” C;H;N;S elemental analyzer, Japanese “Shimadzu Nexera X2” amino acid analyzer, “PerkinElmer 341” polarimeter, gas-liquid chromatograph and other apparatuses.
The following research is mainly carried out in the laboratory:
- development of efficient technologies for the separation and purification of biologically active substances from various raw materials and industrial wastes
- development and validation of new HPLC methods for the quantitative and qualitative identification of natural and synthetic compounds
- study of the C;H;N;S elemental composition of compounds
- qualitative and quantitative study of protein amino acid composition of various samples
- HPLC chiral analysis
- A number of efficient technologies for the separation and purification of biologically active substances from culture liquids, industrial wastes and other raw materials have been developed and licensed.
- Numerous analytical and instrumental methods for studying substances, which are widely used for the separation, identification, confirmation of chemical purity, chiral analysis, detection of amino acid composition of samples, study of C;H;N;S elemental composition of compounds have been developed and validated.
- Development of efficient technologies for the separation and purification of biologically active substances from various raw materials and industrial wastes
- Introduction, development and validation of new methods for qualitative and quantitative identification of BAS by state-of-the-art high-precision analytical equipment (HPLC, GLC, amino acid analyzer, C;H;N;S elemental analyzer)
- Expansion of the scope of cooperation with various scientific centers and laboratories, training of personnel
- Introduction and commercialization of the obtained scientific results
- SCS MES RA 19YR-1F051 “Brewery wastewater treatment by the use of unicellular green algae’’, 2019-2021 (Project Manager: A. Tsaturyan, PhD).
- SCS MES RA-BRFBR 18BL-040 “Use of bacterial melanin as a stimulant for growth and development of rare pharmaceutical and local high ornamental plants”, 2018-2020 (Project Manager: A. Hovsepyan, PhD).
- ISTC #A‑2289 “Synthesis and screening of a new generation of optically active non-proteinogenic α-amino acids, peptides and polymers containing unsaturated groups in the side chain”, 2017-2020 (Project Manager: Academician of NAS RA, Prof. A. Saghyan).
- SCS MES RA-BRFBR-2016 ՀԲ16-53 “Preparation and application of biopreparations based on the Bacillus thuringiensis for promoting plant growth and protection against pests”, 2016-2018 (Project Manager: A. Hovsepyan, PhD).
- SCS MES RA 16YR-2I029 “Study of secondary carotenogenesis peculiarities of green microalgae”, 2016-2018 (Project Manager: A. Tsaturyan, PhD).
- MES SCS RA 15T-2I215 “Modeling and targeted synthesis of short peptides as potential inhibitors of serine proteases and their effect on the activity of enzymes”, 2015-2017 (Project Manager: T. Sargsyan, PhD).
- ANSЕF biоtеch-4241 “Water-soluble bacterial melanin as a potential agent for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: preclinical study in models of neurodegeneration, 2016 (Project Manager: A. Hovsepyan, PhD):
- SCS MES RA-BRFBR-2014 ՀԲРБ-063 “Stimulation of plant growth and development by the use of bacterial melanin synthesized by the insecticidal strain of Bacillus thuringiensis K1”, 2014-2016 (Project Manager: A. Hovsepyan, PhD).
- SCS MES RA 13-2I117 “Search and subsequent target synthesis of short peptides containing potentially biologically active non-protein amino acids by Pass-online software”, 2013-2015 (Project Manager: T. Sargsyan, PhD).
- Armenian-Russian Project 13-03-90600 ARM-a “Asymmetric synthesis of non-proteinogenic amino acids via radical intermediates stabilized by metal ions”, 2013-2015, (Project Manager: Academician of NAS RA, Prof. A. Saghyan).
- ISTC #A-1866P “Natural biological substances (peptides) with bactericidal properties toward various pathogens”, 2010-2013 (Project Manager: F. Tkhruni, PhD).
Scientific articles
- Мкртчян Л.Н., Чичоян Н.Б., Цатурян А.О. Меристема корня переступня белого (BRIONYA ALBA L.) и ее физико-xимическое изучение // Բժշկություն, գիտություն և կրթություն, 2019, № 27, стр. 18-24.
- Э.В. Минасян, А.О. Цатурян, Н.К. Калантаряни, Б.А. Арутюнян Օпределение 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты в культуральных жидкостях несерных фотосинтезирующих бактерий методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии // Хим. журн. Армении, 2019, № 3, стр. 243-248
- Tkhruni F.N., Aghajanyan A.E., Balabekyan T.R., Karapetyan K.J. Characteristic of Bacteriocins of Lactobacillus rhamnosus BKT 20-12 Potential Probiotic Strain // Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2019, July, pp. 1-9.
- Armen Aghajanyan, Zhaklina Saribekyan, Ashot Saghyan Development of the efficient technology for isolating proline from culture liguid // Separation Science and Technology, 2019, v. 54, Feb. pp. 1-8.
- G.R. Ulikhanyan, H.M. Galstyan, A.H. Tsaturyan, N.B. Chichoyan Standardization of the raw material ziziphora Linopodioides Lam. by HPLC and spectrophotometric methods // Toxicon, journal homepage:, 2018, P061, p. 30.
- Агаджанян А.Е., Сарибекян Ж.Н., Оганесян Г.Ж., Егиян К.И. и Сагян А.С. Изучение процесса обессоливания культуральной жидкости пролина с использованием методов ионного обмена и электродиализа // Хим. жур. Армении, 2018, т. 71, № 1-2, стр. 233-248.
- З.З. Мардиян, А.Ф. Мкртчян, А.О. Цатурян и А.С. Сагян Синтез энантиомерно обогощенной (S)-2-амино-5-(4-фторфенил)пент-4-еновой кислоты и ЕЕ α-аллилзамещенного аналога // Хим. журн. Армении, 2018, № 1-2, стр. 107-116.
- А.О. Цатурян, Э.В. Минасян, А.С. Дадаян и Л.А. Степанян Определение аминокислотного состава некоторых растений, произрастающих на территории армении, методом получения иx орто-фталальдегидныx производныx // Хим. журн. Армении, 2018, № 3, стр. 359-367.
- Aghajanyan A.E., Vardanyan A.A., Hovsepyan A.S., Hambardzumian A.A., Filpenia V.E. Development of the technology for obtaining water-soluble bacterial melanin, determination of some of pigment properties // J. BioTechnologia, 2017, No. 4, pp. 15-34.
- S.A. Dadayan, A.S. Dadayan, L.A. Stepanyan, A.S. Pogosyan and A.O. Tsaturyan Asymmetric synthesis of new enantiomerically enriched derivatives of (S)-ß-phenyl-α-alanine // Chemical Journal of Armenia, 2017, 70, No. 4, pp. 529-536.
- Сарибекян Ж.Н., Симонян А.М., Агаджанян А.Е., Сагиян А.С. Выделение пролина из смеси аминокислот // Хим. жур. Армении, 2017, № 3, стр. 417-429.
- Агаджанян А.Е. Изучение процесса выделение и очистки меланина из отходов природного сырья // Вестник Национального Политехнического Университета Армении, Сборник научных статей, часть II, 2017, стр. 1056-1062.
- Yu.M. Danghyan, T.H. Sargsyan, V.T. Danghyan, S.M. Jamgaryan, E.A. Gyulumyan, H.A. Panosyan, A.H. Tsaturyan and A.S. Saghyan Synthesis of di-and tripeptides containing (S)-2-amino-3-[4-allyl-(3-pyridyn-4'-and (S)-2amino-3-[4-allyl-(3-pyridin-3'-yl)-5-thioxo-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]-propionic acids // Chemical journal of armenia, 2017, 70, No. 1-2, pp. 92-99.
- В.Т. Кочикян, Л.С. Манасян, А.О. Цатурян, А.С. Сагиян, А.Т. Кочикян, Г.Ю. Овсепян, М.А. Бабаxанян Разработка эффективного способа выделения сладкиx гликозидов из лисьтев стевии (Stevia rebaudiana bertoni), выращенной в Республике Армения и Нагорном Карабаxe // Биологический журнал Армении, 2016, 1, стр. 70-74
- A.H. Tsaturyan, V.T. Ghochikyan, A.F. Mkrtchyan, E.V. Minasyan, Z.Z. Mardiyan аnd A.S. Saghyan Determination of organic acids by the method of reverse-phase HPLC // Chemical Journal of Armenia, 2016, No. 69, pp. 465-471.
- Агаджанян А.Е., Тхруни Ф.Н., Оганесян Г.Ж., Егиян К.И., Сагиян А.С. Выделение и очистка биоингибирующего продукта из культуральных жидкостей // Биотехнология, 2015, № 3, cтр. 32- 40.
- Агаджанян А.Е., Оганисян Г.Ж., Егиян К.И., Сагиян А.С. Технологические особенности при выделении и очистке различных классов БАВ из ферментационных растворов // Хим. журн. Армении, 2015, том 68, № 4, cтр. 533-552.
- Karapetyan K., Tkhruni F., Aghajanyan A., Balabekyan T., Arstamyan L. Comparative characteristics of bacteriocins trom endemic lactic acid bacteria // World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science index, Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2015, vol. 2, Nо. 7, p. 372.
- Ю.М. Дангян, Т.О. Саргсян, В.Т. Дангян, С.М. Джамгарян, Э.А. Гюлумян, А.О. Цатурян и А.С. Сагиян Синтез пептидов, содержащиx (S) –ß-[4-аллил-3-(пиридин-3’-и 4’-ил)-5-тиоксо-1,2,4-триазол-1-ил]- α-аланины и выявление иx возможныx биологическиx свойств // Хим. журн. Армении, 2015, № 1, стр. 89-98.
- А.О. Цатурян, В.Т. Кочикян, З.З. Мардиян и А.С. Сагиян Xиральный анализ 1,2,4-триазолсодержашиx ß-гетероциклически замещенныx α-аминокислот методом обращенно-фазовой ВЭЖX // Хим. журн. Армении, 2015, № 3, стр. 385-392.
- А.Ф. Мкртчян, З.З. Мардиян, А.Ж. Карапетян, А.С. Погосян, С.Г. Петросян, А.М. Симонян, А.О. Цатурян и А.С. Сагиян Асимметрический синтез новыx энантиомерно обогащенныx ненасыщенныx α-аминокислот // Хим. журн. Армении, 2015, № 3, стр. 403-412.
- Silvio Parpart, Andranik Petrosyan, Syed Jawed Ali Shah, Raji Akeem Adewale, Peter Ehlers, Tatevik Grigoryan, Anna F. Mkrtchyan, Zorayr Z. Mardiyan, Ani J. Karapetyan, Avetis H. Tsaturyan, Ashot S. Saghyan and Peter Langer Synthesis of pure (S)-2-amino-5-arylpent-4-ynoic acids by Sonogashira reactions and their potential use as highly selective potent inhibitors of aldose reductase // The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, 5, pp. 107400-107412.
- А.С. Сагиян, Дж.А. Едоян, А.Ф. Мкртчян, Г.Ц. Овсепян, А.О. Цатурян и П. Лангер Асимметрический синтез новыx энантиомерно обогащенныx α-замещенныx аналогов (S)-пропаргилглицина // Хим. журн. Армении, 2014, № 1, стр. 67-74.
- Агаджанян А.Е., Оганисян Г.Ж., Варданян А.А., Егиян К.И. Получение аминокислот в результате комплексной переработки белоксодержащего сырья // Биотехнология, 2014, № 3, cтр. 55- 62.
- Варданян А.А., Агаджанян А.Е. Оптимизация технологических параметров процесса получения D-триптофана из рацемата микробиологическим способом // Биотехнология, № 4, 2014, cтр. 55-62.
- A.E. Aghajanyan, A.O. Tsaturyan, A.A. Hambardzumyan, A.S. Saghyan Obtaining the zwitterionic form of L-lysine from L-lysine monohydrochloride by electrodialysis // Membrane Water Treatment, 2013, v. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-9.
- А.О. Цатурян Исследование процесса трансформации цитрата натрия в лимонную кислоту электромембранным способом // Хим. журн. Армении, 2013, № 1, стр. 140-147.
- А.Е. Агаджанян, А.О. Цатурян, А.А. Варданян, А.С. Сагиян Обессоливание ферментационного раствора L-валина электродиализом с использованием ионообменных мембран // Биотехнология, 2012, № 4, стр. 52-57.
- А.Е. Агаджанян, А.О. Цатурян, Г.Ж. Оганесян, К.И Егян, А.С. Сагиян Комплексная переработка молочной сыворотки // Хим. журн. Армении, 2011, № 3, стр. 417-428.
- Vardanyan A., Aghajanyan A., Hovsepyan A., Saghyan A. Microbiological method for obtaining water-soluble melanin //RA Patent No. 3328 A, 2019.
- Aghajanyan A., Vardanyan A., A. Hambardzumyan Method for obtaining melanin // RA Patent No. AM 20180138, 2019.
- Vardanyan A., Aghajanyan A., S. Harutyunyan Method for obtaining of D-amino acids from racemate // RA Patent No. 3132 A, 2017.
- F.N. Tkhruni, A.S. Saghyan, Ts.R. Balabekyan, K.J. Karapetyan, T.V. Khachatryan, A.E. Aghajanyan Lactobacillus rhamnosus БТК 20-12 bacterial strain producing Rhamn 20-12 BCN1 and Rhamn 20-12 BCN2 bacteriocins // RA Patent No. 2924 А, 2015.
- A. Aghajanyan, F. Tkhruni, G. Hovhannisyan, K. Yeghyan, A. Vardanyan, A. Saghyan A method for isolation and purification of bioinhibitor product from culture liquid // RA Patent No. 2925 A, 2015.
Abstracts Presented at Conferences
- E.V. Minasyan, A.E. Aghajanyan, A.H. Tsaturyan and N.B. Chichoyan Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Peucedanum palustre extracts from the Armenian region // Current State of Pharmacy and Prospects of its Sevelopment, 01-03 November, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 116.
- G. Avetisova, L. Melkonyan, A. Tsaturyan et al. Study of synthesis of amino acids by azotobacter vinelandii AV 1 strain // Current State of Pharmacy and Prospects of its Development, 01-03 November, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 77.
- T.H. Sargsyan, A.S. Sargsyan, Yu.M. Danghyan, S.M. Jamgaryan, A.M. Hovhannisyan, N.A. Hovhannisyan, A.H Tsaturyan, A.S. Saghyan Modeling, synthesis and study of impact of N-t-boc-(S)-ß-[4-allyl-3-(pyridine-3’-yl)-5-thioxo-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]-α-alanyl-(S)-alanyl-glycyl-(S)-ß-[4-allyl-3’-yl)-5-thioxo-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]-α-alanine tetrapeptide on collagenase activity // Current State of Pharmacy and Prospects of its Development, 01-03 November, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 83.
- A.H. Tsaturyan, E.V. Minasyan, S.A. Dadayan C,H,N elemental analysis of (2s,3s)-(-)-3-methylpyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid // Frontiers in Chemistry, 21-25 October, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia.
- E. Minasyan, A. Tsaturyan, S. Eksuzyan Development of reverse-phase HPLC method for analysis of novel enantiomerically enriched derivatives of propargylglycine // “Biotechnology: Science and Practice”, 28-30 September, 2017, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 146.
- T.H. Sargsyan, A.H. Tsaturyan, А.М. Hovhannisyan, A.S. Saghyan Modeling of dipeptides containing potential biologically active (s)-α-propargylgycine, disclosure of possible biological properties and targeted synthesis // “Dutch Peptide Symposium 2017”, 08 June 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
- Aghajanyan A., Hovhannisyan G., Yeghiyan K., Saghyan A. Technological features in isolation and purification of various classes of BAS from fermentation solution // 3rd International Scientific Conference “Dialogues on Sciences”, 23-26 June, 2015, Yerevan, p. 11
- Avetisyan S., Fomenko T., Aghajanyan A., Azaryan K., Hovsepyan A. Effect of various metal ions and vitamins on biosynthesis of melanin by Bacillus thuringiensis K1 strain // 3rd International Scientific Conference “Dialogues on Sciences”, 23-26 June, 2015, Yerevan, p. 9.
- T.H. Sargsyan, Yu.M. Danghyan, V.T. Danghyan, S.M. Djamgaryan, E.A. Gyulumyan, A.H. Tsaturyan, A.S. Saghyan Synthesis and study of biological activity of tripeptides containing non-protein amino acid allylglycine by the “Pass-online” program // 3rd International Scientific Conference “Dialogues on Sciences”, 23-26 June, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 135.
- A.H. Tsaturyan, V.T. Ghochikyan, Z.Z. Mardiyan, E.V. Minasyan, S.A. Sogoyan Chiral analysis of ß-heterocyclic substituted triazole-containing non-protein amino acids by the method of reverse-phase HPLC // 3rd International Scientific Conference “Dialogues on Sciences”, 23-26 June, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 146.
- Aghajanyan A., Hovsepyan A., Hovhannisyan G., Yeghiyan K., Avetisyan S. Isolation of Water-soluble Melanin from Frmentation Broth and its Characterization // International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, 2014, Yerevan, p. 41
- Hovsepyan A., Avetisyan S., Aghajanyan A., Azaryan K., Petrosyan M., Popov Yu. Perspectives of Application of Biologically Active Water-Soluble Melanin of Bacillus Thuringensis in Agriculture // International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, 2014, Yerevan, p. 64.
- A.O. Tsaturyan, A.E. Aghajanyan Use of electrodialysis in the production of biologically active substances // 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers “Contribution of young generation in the development of biotechnology”, 1-4 October, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 19.
- A.O. Tsaturyan, V.T. Ghochikyan, A.F. Mkrtchyan Determination of organic acids in various kinds of wines by the method of HPLC // 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers “Contribution of young generation in the development of biotechnology”, 1-4 October, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 164.
- А.Е. Агаджанян, Г.Ж. Оганесян, А.О. Цатурян, К.И. Егян Выделение и очистка пищевых оксикислот из ферментационных растворов // “Современное состояние биотехнологических разработок и пути коммерциализации”, 11-12 сентября, 2012, Ереван, Армения, стр. 43.