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Research Units


Lusine Danielyan

Head of Sector
PhD in Biology



Research Sector of Lactic Acid Bacteria


The Research Sector of Lactic Acid Bacteria was established in 2021. The main direction of scientific research of the sector is the study and isolation of new probiotic lactic acid bacteria. These new lactic acid bacteria with high enzymatic and probiotic activity will be used to create high-quality functional food.



  • Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria with high probiotic activity from dairy products and the human body; the study of their metabolic and genetic properties
  • Study and identification of physiological-biochemical properties of lactic acid bacteria
  • Study of commensal microorganisms of unique ecosystems of women living in Armenia and formation of biomedicals based on them
  • Development of production technology for obtaining safe biopreparations to apply them in food biopreservation



  • Lactic acid bacteria with high yeast properties isolated from traditional dairy products common in Armenia have been studied.
  • Biodiversity of probiotic microorganisms of the genitourinary system and breast milk of Armenian women has been studied for the first time.
  • Isolated lactic acid bacteria have been identified.
  • Strains of lactic acid bacteria that produce hydrogen peroxide have been successfully tested as life preservers to extend the shelf life of minced meat. Cultural, antibacterial and technological properties of lactic acid bacteria have been improved using genetic mutations.
  • Probiotic and leveling cultures endowed with exoprotease and β-galactosidase activities have been studied.
  • The selected strains have been deposited in the Microbial Depository Center (MDC) of NAS RA and received relevant patents.
  • Prospective probiotic strains have been patented for commercialization.
  • The results of the study have been published in international and local scientific journals and have been presented at international conferences.



  • To continue research on dairy products and isolation of new human microbiome-specific probiotic microorganisms
  • To improve the probiotic and technological properties of lactic acid bacteria through genetic mutations and micro-additions
  • To use strains with promising higher probiotic properties for developing functional biopharmaceuticals of a new generation to improve human health
  • To acquire appropriate patents for future commercialization of probiotic strains and obtained technologies
  • To establish production of dried milk, biopharmaceuticals, and preservatives of Armenian dairy products in the Center
  • To publish the results of the research activities in international and local scientific journals and present them at international conferences





Scientific articles

  1. Esmaeili Mola A., Hovhannisyan H.G. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of visceral waste proteins of beluga Huso huso using Protamex. International Aquatic Research, 2011, Vol. 3, is. 2, p. 93-99.
  2. Esmaeili Mola A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Nazari R.M., Ovissipour M. Early sex identification in cultured beluga (Huso huso) using plasma steroid hormones. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, Vol. 10, 10, P. 1959-1965.
  3. Оганесян Г.Г.Барсегян А.А., Пашаян ММ.  Изучение эффективности усвоения лактулозы вагинальными молочнокислыми бактериями in vitro. Медицинская наука Армении НАН РА,  2011, Т. LI, 3, с. 25-27.
  4. Pashayan M.M.,  Hovhannisyan H.G., Isolation and investigation of hydrogen peroxide producing vaginal Lactobacillus delbrueckii MH10 strain (in russian), The Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology, Moskow, 2011, Т.6, с. 90-93.
  5. Пашаян M.M., Оганесян Г.Г. Изучение двухслойных вагинальных суппозиториев на модельной системе влагалища in vitro. Вестник МАНЕБ, 2011, 16, 41-44.
  6. Акопян Л.Г. Влияние некоторых ингибирующих веществ на развитие молочнокислых бактерий. Известия ГАУ Армении. N2, 2011, с. 111-115.

  7. Martirosyan V., Markosyan L.S., Hovhannisyan H.G., Hovnanyan K., Ayrapetyan S. The frequency-dependent effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field and mechanical vibration at infrasound frequency on the growth, division and motility of Escherichia coli K-12. Environmentalist, 2012, v. 32, N 2, p. 157-165.
  8. Оганесян Г.Г.,  Барсегян А.А.,  Акопян В.П., Оганесян С.С., Марутян А.В. Усвоение пребиотиков природного и синтетического происхождения  штаммом Lactobacillus acidophilus Ер 307/412 “Нарине” in vitroБиолог.ж..Армении2012, Т. 64,  2, с. 67-73.

  9. Беляева О.А., Оганесян Г.Г. Изучение агробиоценозов горнорудных регионов Армении и биотехнологическое восстановление загрязненных почв. Агронаука, 2012, 11-12, c. 709-714.

  10. Акопян Л.Г., Интенсификация процессов брожения, кислотообразовании и протеолиза при производстве молочных продуктов. Известия ГАУ Армении, N2, 2012, с. 106-111.

  11. Nasr E., Gasparyan G.A., Hovhannisyan H.G. Synthesizing and sequencing cDNA of Persian sturgeon growth hormone. Bulletin of Natinal Agrarian University of Armenia. 2013, 1, p. 66-69. 

  12. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G. Isolation and characterization of vaginal lactococci, Medical science of Armenia, 2013, LIII, 3, p. 94-101.

  13. Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H., Hovhannisyan S.S., Marutyan A.V., Grigoryan G.G. Obtaining of cold sensitive starters of probiotic “Narine”, Biolog. Journal Armenia, 1 (65), 2013, p. 44-49.

  14. Оганесян Г.Г. IN VITRO изучение усвоения пребиотиков пробиотиком Lactobacillus acidophilus Ер 307/412 «НАРИНЕ». Фарма, 2013, 7, c70-73.

  15. Пашаян М.М., Оганесян Г.Г. Новый штамм лактобактерий для лечения и профилактики вагинозов. Фарма, 2013, 7, c. 88-92.

  16. Հակոբյան Ա.ԳՀովհաննիսյան Հ.Գ. Կոմպոստից մեկուսացված բակտերիաների ազդեցությունը Agaricus bisporus սնկի աճի վրա լաբորատոր և փորձաարտադրական պայմաններում // Հայաստանի կենսաբհանդես.- 2013, Հ. 3(65), Է.125-129.

  17. Hovhannisyan H.G., Grigoryan G.G. A New Sustainable symbiotic association of Lactic acid cocci and bacilli for colonization/recolonization of vagina and prevention of bacterial vaginosis. American j. of Bioscience. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2014, p. 84-88.

  18. Գրիգորյան Գ.ԳՀեշտոցից անջատված լակտոբակտերիաների համակեցության ուսումնասիրությունը // Հայաստանի բժշկագիտություն, 2014, LIV, 2, էջ 94-101.

  19. Nasr E., Hovhannisyan H.G. Recombinant growth hormone impact on growth rate of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). Agroscience scientific journal. 2014, 2, p. 97-100.

  20. Nasr E., Hovhannisyan H.G., Pourkazemi M., Azizzadeh L. Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Growth Hormone cDNA Sequence from the Acipenser Persicus. American Journal of BioScience. 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 79-83.

  21. Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H. The Influence of Rifampicin Resistant Mutations on the Biosynthesis of Exopolysaccharides by Strain Escherichia coli K-12 lon. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2015, Vol. 51, p. 490-494. Doi:10.1134/S0003683815040134

  22. Ehsan Nasr, Hrachya Hovhannisyan, Mohammad Pourkazemi, Acipenser persicus Growth Hormone Gene Sequencing and its StructuresJournal of Cell and Molecular Research. 2014, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 47-52.

  23. Alireza G. Goodarzi, Hrachya G.  Hovhannisyan, Andranik H. Barseghyan, Gohar G. Grigoryan, Shelf Life Expanding of Fermented Dairy Food by Use of Cold Sensitive Mutant Starters. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2015, Vol. 4, No. 11, p. 517-522.

  24. Harutyunyan K.V. The influence of antibiotics on adhesive properties and survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria //Scientific Medical Journal, 2015; 10:2, pp. 24-29.

  25. Hrachya G. Hovhannisyan, Gohar G. Grigoryan, Evolution of Adhesive and Aggregative Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Isolated From Healthy Armenian Women Vagina. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015, Vol. 6, Iss. 3, p. 1-4.

  26. Ն. ՄՀարությունյանԱԱԼալայանՅուԹԱլեքսանյանԳԳՄելիք-ԱնդրեասյանԿՎՀարությունյանԱ.ԱԹռչունյանՊայմանական ախտածին էնտերոբակտերիաների և պրոբիոտիկ կաթնաթթվային բակտերիաների ադհեզիվության համեմատական գնահատականը // Հայաստանի բժշկագիտություն, 2015, LV, 2, էջ 48-52.

  27. Hovhannisyan H.G., Goodarzi A., Barseghyan A.H., Antimicrobial Substances Production at Refrigeration Temperatures by Lactobacillus delbrueckii MH10: A Candidate for Food Biopreservation // International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. 2016. Vol. 5(3), pp. 179-184. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20160503.15.

  28. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H., Mutational Improvement of Lactobacillus acidophilus GH 201 Intended for Ground Beef Preservation in Refrigerator Storage // Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2016. Vol. 4(3), pp. 49-54. doi:10.11648/j.jfns.20160403.12.

  29. Danielyan L.V., Hovhannisyan H.G. The study of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human breast milk in Armenia // Biological Journal of Armenia, Special Issue, 2016, p. 13-18.

  30. Դանիելյան Լ.Վ. Մայրական կաթից անջատված կաթնաթթվային բակտերիաների բնութագիրը  // Հայաստանի բժշկագիտությունՀ. LVI, 3, 2016, էջ 50-56.

  31. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H., The Use of Str Mutations for Enhancement of Hydrogen Peroxide Formation by Lactobacillus Delbrueckii MH-10 at Refrigeration // Journal of Food Science and Engineering. 2016. Vol. 6, pp. 90-97. doi:10.17265/2159-5828/2016.01.005.

  32. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H., Elimination of Pathogen Escherichia coli O157: H7 in Ground Beef by a Newly Isolated Strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus during Storage at 5°C. // Applied Food Biotechnology. 2016. Vol. 3 (3), p. 115-123.

  33. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G., Chakmazyan H.Kh., Autoaggregation, coaggregation and adhesive features of vaginal lactic acid bacteria, isolated from healthy Armenian women. Biological Journal of Armenia, Special Issue, 2016, p. 24-29.

  34. Hakobyan A.G., Hovhannisyan H.G. Preliminary characterization of bacteria isolated from Agaricus bisporus suffered by mummy disease. Biological Journal of Armenia, Special Issue, 2016, p. 34-38.

  35. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G. Design and creation of vaginal lactic acid bacteria association resistant to physiological cyclic pH discharges. International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science. 2016, V. 6, Issue 4, 27-34.

  36. Nasr E., Hovhannisyan H. G., Pourkazemi M., Recombinat Growth hormone gene expression of Acipenser persicus. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 2016, V. 5, (3), 128-131.

  37. Հակոբյան ԼՀ., Հարությունյան ՆՄ., Հարությունյան ԿՎ., ՀՀ ԳԱԱ թղթակից անդամ ԱՀԹռչունյանավանդական հայկական կաթնամթերքները՝ մածունիյուղորդի մանրէաբանական և ադհեզիվ հատկությունները // ՀՀ ԳԱԱԶեկույցներԵրևան, 2016, Հ 116, 2, էջ 154-167.

  38. Арутюнян Н.М., Алексанян Ю. Т.,  Мелик-Андреасян Г. Г., Акопян Л.Г., Арутюнян К.В., Арутюнян М.В.,  Трчунян А.А., Способность адгезии и проживаемости пробиотика Lacidophilus Ер  317/402 Наринэ с высокими адгезивными и антибиотическими свойствами и его применение при остром лейкозе у детей // Технологии живых систем, 2016, т. 13, 3, ст. 30-37.

  39. Hakobyan L., Harutyunyan K., Harutyunyan N., Melok-Andreasyan G., Trchounian A. Adhesive Properties and Acid-Forming Activity of Lactobacilli and Streptococci Under Inhibitory Substances, Such as Nitrates // Current Microbiology 2016, V. 72, 6, pp. 776-782.

  40. Даниелян Л.В., Чичоян Н.Б,  Оганесян Г.Г. Усвоениe лактулозы и различных растительных камедей молочнокислыми бактериями, выделенными из грудного молока // Медицинская наука Aрмении НАН РА, 2017, 57(3), 59-66.

  41. Դանիելյան Լ.Վ., Հովհաննիսյան Հ.Գ. Մայրական կաթի կաթնաթթվային բակտերիաների պրոբիոտիկ հատկությունները // ՀՀ ԳԱԱ զեկույցներ,  2017, 117(3), 265-272.

  42. Hovhannisyan H.G., Danielyan L.V. Human Milk’s Microbial Population Behavior In Vivo and  Ex Vivo // International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2017, 7(9), 249-254.

  43. Nasr E., Hovhannisyan H., Pourkazemi M. Biological Activity of Persian sturgeon recombinant growth hormone molecules trapped in inclusion bodies (IBs). Journal of Cell and Molecular Research (2017) 9 (1), 39-43 DOI: 10.22067/jcmr.v9i1.53803.

  44. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H., Grigoryan G., Barseghyan A. Acidophilus Milk shelf-life prolongation by the Use of Cold Sensitive Mutants of Lactobacillus acidophilus MDC 9626. Applied Food Biotechnology. 2017. V.4. 4. 211-218. Doi: org/10.22037/afb.v%vi%i.16845

  45. Alireza Goodarzi. UV- Induced Mutagenesis in Lactic Acid Bacteria // International Journal oj Genetics and Genomics. 2016, 4(1), p. 1-4. doi:10.11648/j.ijgg.20160401.11 Alireza G. Goodarzi. Obtaining of Lactobacillus delbrueckii  Cold Sensitive Rif Mutants for Shelf Life Prolongation of Dairy Products // Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2016, 5(1), p. 546-552.

  46. Melyan G.H., Barseghyan A.A., Sahakyan A.D., Hovhannisyan H.G. The study of various types and concentrations of plant growth regulators on callus induction and accumulation of inulin in callus cultures of burdock common (Arctium lappa).  Bul. of the National Agrarian University of Armenia. 2017, 2, 17-20.

  47. Հրաչյա ՀովհաննիսյանԼուսինե Դանիելյան Կրծքով կերակրելը երեխայի առողջության գրավականն էԳիտության աշխարհում // 1, 2018 էջ. 48-54.

  48. Г.Г. Оганесян, А.А.Барсегян, Л.В.Даниелян, М.М.Пашаян Видовая принадлежность заквасочной культуры лечебно-диетического кисломолочного напитка НАРИНЕ// Биологический Журнал Армении, 1-2 (72), 2020, ст. 95-101.



  1. Pashayan M.M., Hovhannisyan H.G. // Hydrogen peroxide producing vaginal strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii MH10 / Republic of Armenia / Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Armenia, 2513 A, C12N, 2011
  2. RA Patent No. 2887 A, Lactococcus lactis GH 204 և Lactobacillus plantarum GH 202 strains and their symbiotic consortium for the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, prevention of sexually transmitted infections / Hovhannisyan H., Grigoryan G.,  25.11. 2014:
  3. RA Patent No. 2888 A, Lactococcus lactis GH 204 և Lactobacillus acidophilus GH 201 strains and their symbiotic consortium for the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, prevention of sexually transmitted infections/ Hovhannisyan H., Grigoryan G. 25.11. 2014:


Abstracts Presented at Conferences

  1. Grigoryan G.G.,  Hovhannisyan H.G., Probiotic properties of Lactococcus lactis GH-12 isolated from female vagina, Modern state of biotechnological developments and ways of commercialization, Scientific seminar, Yerevan, Armenia, 2012, p. 33. (poster presentation)
  2. Pashayan M.M., Hovhannisyan H.G., Multifunctional antibiotic and probiotic vaginal suppositories for prophylaxis and treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis,  Modern state of biotechnological developments and ways of commercialization, Scientific seminar, Yerevan, Armenia, 2012, p. 61. (poster presentation)
  3. Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H, Hovhannisyan S.S., Marutyan A.V., Grigoryan G.G. Shelf-life Prolongation of Functional Dairy Products by Means of Rifampicin Resistant Mutations. “Modern state of biothechnological developments and ways of commercialization”, Scientific seminar, Yerevan, Armenia, 2012, p. 63-64. (poster presentation)
  4. Goօdarzi A., Barseghyan A.H., Hovhannisyan H.G.  Biopreservation of Refrigerated Foods: Production of Antibacterial Substances by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Lactis MH10 at 5°C. 2nd Intern. Scient. Confer.”Contribution of young generation in the development of biotechnology”, October 1-4, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia. p. 11. (poster presentation)
  5. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G.Creation of Lactobacilli and Lactococci for Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Vaginosis, “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology”, 1-4 October, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 53-54. (oral presentation)
  6. Hakobyan A.G., Hovhannisyan H.G. Bacillar microflora of compost and its impact on the production of edible mushrooms // “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology’’: 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers. Yerevan 2013, p. 3. (attendee)
  7. Hakobyan V.P., Barseghyan A.H., Hovhannisyan S.S, Hovhannisyan H.G. Improving of arid soil fertility by microbial exopolysaccharides. // “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology’’: 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers. Yerevan 2013, p. 44. (poster presentation)
  8. Danielyan L.V., Hovhannisyan H.G., The Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Breast Milk, The 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers on “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology”, 1-4 October, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 55-56. (poster presentation)
  9. Hovhannisyan H.G.  Genetics of Lactic acid bacteria, “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology”, 1-4 October, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p 113-117. (oral presentation)
  10. Pashayan M.M., Hovhannisyan H.G., In Vitro Study of Selected Herbal Extracts Impact on Human Probiotic Microflora, “Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology”, 1-4 October 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, p 61-62. (poster presentation)
  11. Հակոբյան ԼՀ., Հարությունյան Կ.Վ., Կաթնաթթվային բակտերիաների պրոբիոտիկ հատկությունների խթանման ուղիների մշակումը: ՀՀ ԱՆ Համաճարակաբանության արդիական հարցերը, 2013թ., էջ 18-21:
  12. Հակոբյան Լ.Հ., Մելիք-Անդրեասյան Գ.Գ.,  Հարությունյան Ն.Մ., Հարությունյան Կ.Վ., Թռչունյան Ա.Հ., Հարությունյան Մ.Վ., Կենսաբանական բարձր հատկություններով օժտված պրոբիոտիկ կաթնաթթվային բակտերիաների ստացումը: ՀՀ ԱՆ Համաճարակաբանության արդիական հարցերը, 2013թ., էջ 22-26:
  13. Арутюнян Н.М., Алексанян Ю.Т., Мелик-Андреасян Г.Г., Акопян Л.Г., Арутюнян К.В., Арутюнян М.В., Трчунян А.А., Способность адгезии и приживаемости пробиотика L.acidophilus Ep 317/402 “Наринэ’’ в пищеварительном тракте и слизистой оболочке толстого кишечникаАктуальные вопросы эпидемиологииРА МЗ, 2013, с 58-60.
  14. Karine V. Harutyunyan, Laura H. Hakobyan, Armen A. Trchounian. The Adhesive  Properties and Hemolytic Activity of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria. Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology: the 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia, page 73-74.
  15. Акопян Л. Г., Пепоян А. З., Чрезмерное употребление нитратив в пищевой промышленности и в сельском хоьяйстве-источники остротоксических заболеваний, // Актуальные вопросы диагностической медицины, сборник науч. Трудов, посв. 30-ему Юбилею медицинского обьединения Диагностика с международным участием, Ереван, 2014, с. 18-24.
  16. Акопян Л. Г., Пепоян А. З., Способы снижения нитратов и нитритов в молоке и молочных продуктах, // Актуальные вопросы диагностической медицины, сборник науч. Трудов, посв. 30-ему Юбилею медицинского обьединения Диагностика с международным участием, Ереван, 2014, с. 25-32.
  17. Danielyan L.V., Hovhannisyan H.G., Some features оf lactococcii isolated from human breast milk, Abstract book of International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, October 5-8, 2014, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 50. (poster presentation)
  18. Goodarzi A., Barseghyan A., Hovhannisyan H., The Influence of rif mutations on antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus delbrueckii MH 10 at 5-7°C, Abstract book of International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, October 5-8, 2014, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 54. (attendee)
  19. Pashayan M.M., Hovhannisyan H.G., Formulation and investigation of new vaginal double-layer suppositories containing lactobacilli and herbal extracts for treatment and prophylaxis of vaginosis, 6th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, February 10-12, 2014, Dubai, U.A.E., p. 129-130. (poster presentation)
  20. Grigoryan G., Hovhannisyan H.,  Sustainable symbiotic association of Lactic acid cocci and bacilli for colonization/recolonization of vagina and prevention of bacterial vaginosis, Abstract book of International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, October 5-8, Yerevan, 2014, Armenia, p. 55. (attendee)
  21. Hovhannisyan H., The adaptive variability of lactic acid bacteria, Abstract book of International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, 2014, October 5-8, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 22. (oral presentation)
  22. Nasr E., Hovhannisyan H., Biological activity of Persian sturgeon recombinant growth hormone molecules trapped in inclusion bodies (IBs), Abstract book of International Scientific Workshop “Trends in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology”, October 5-8, 2014, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 74. (attendee)
  23. Danielyan L.V., Hovhannisyan H.G., A strain of Lactobacillus fermentum LH-15 isolated from human breast milk. Abstract book of 3rd International scientific Conference on "Dialogues on Sciences". June 23-26, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 23. (attendee)
  24. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G., Adhesive properties of vaginal lactic acid bacteria isolated from healthy Armenian women. Abstract book of 3rd International scientific Conference on "Dialogues on Sciences". June 23-26, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 25. (attendee)
  25. Hakobyan A.G., Hovhannisyan H.G., The antagonism of bacteria isolated from rhizosphere and fruit body of Agaricus bisporus suffered by Mummy Disease the fungi mycelium.  Abstract book of 3rd International scientific Conference on "Dialogues on Sciences". June 23-26, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 37. (attendee)
  26. Harutyunyan K. V., Soghomonyan D. R., Hakobyan L. G., Trchunian A. Adhesive properties and the F0FATPase activity of probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidiphilus 317/402 Narine // 3-rd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers.Dialogues on Science. Book of abstracts, 2015 June 23-26, Yerevan, Armenia, p.72.
  27. Anna M. Manvelyan, Aamer Y.H. Al-Chalaby, Laura Hakobyan, M.Isajanyan, M.H.Balayan, A.Pepoyan, Impact of probiotic Narine  on sheep and lamb gut microbiota composition // 3-rd Inernational Scientific Conference of Young Researchers.Dialogues on Science. Book of abstracts, 2015 June 23-26, Yerevan, Armenia, p.26.
  28. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Ultraviolet rays sensitivity and mutagenesis of lactic acid bacteria. Abstract book of 3rd International scientific Conference on "Dialogues on Sciences". June 23-26, 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 53. (attendee)
  29. Goodarzi A., Hovhannisyan H.G., Barseghyan A.H., Mutational improvement of probiotic Sweet Acidophilus Milk quality // 3rd National & 1st International Conference in applied research on Biology. University of Applied Science and Technology. February 24-25, 2016. Tehran. Iran. (attendee)
  30. Danielyan L.V., Hovhannisyan H.G. The study of commensal microbes propagation in human milk. IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: “Biotechnology: Science and Practice”. Book of Abstracts, September 28-30 Yerevan, Armenia, 2017, p. 22-23. (poster presentation)
  31. Barseghyan A. H., Goodarzi A. Gh., Hovhannisyan H.G. Titer dependent action of lactic acid bacteria on Escherichia coli O157:H7 in submerged co-cultivation at 5°C. Inter. Sci. Confer.  of Young Res. Biotecnology Science and Practice”. Book of Abstracts, September 28-30.  2017.  Yerevan. Armenia. 2017.p.14-15.
  32. Pashayan M.M., Hovhannisyan H.G. Hydrogen peroxide production by vaginal probiotic Lactobacillus delbrueckiiMDC 9617 under nonpermessive conditions. IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: “Biotechnology: Science and Practice”. Book of Abstracts, September 28-30 Yerevan, Armenia, 2017, p. 74-75. (attendee)
  33. Grigoryan G.G., Hovhannisyan H.G., Hovhannisyan S.S., Marutyan A.V. Aggregative, coaggregation, and adhesive properties of dairy probiotic Narine starter’s Lactobacillus helveticus MDC 9602. IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: “Biotechnology: Science and Practice”. Book of Abstracts, September 28-30 Yerevan, Armenia, 2017, p. 16-17. (attendee)
  34. Hakobyan A., Grigoryan S., Hovhannisyan H.G. Screening of basidiomycete with high antioxidant activities. IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: “Biotechnology: Science and Practice”. Book of Abstracts, September 28-30 Yerevan, Armenia, 2017, p. 18-19. (attendee)
  35. Դանիելյան Լ.Վ., Human breast milk microbiota, Women achievements in biological sciences, II international conference, 10-12th October 2017,  Yerevan, Armenia  (oral presentation)
  36. Lusine V. Danielyan, Hrachya G. Hovhannisyan, Assessment of human milk lactic acid bacteria potential for use as bacteriotherapeutic agents for colonization of mother and baby guts to prevent infections caused by pathogenic bacteria // Current advances in pathogen research. FEBS Advanced Lecture Course, March 25-30, Book of Abstracts, Yerevan, 2019, p.53.(oral presentation)
  37. L. V. Danielyan, N. B. Chichoyan, H. G. Hovhannisyan,  The assessment of natural polysaccharides obtained from various plants as prebiotics for creation synbiotics for nursing mother and infant use // 5th International Medical Congress. July 4-6, Book of Abstracts, Yerevan, 2019, p.223-224.
  38. M.M. Pashayan, H. G. Hovhannisyan, Some Herbal Extracts Impact on Human Probiotic Microflora // 5th International Medical Congress. July 4-6, Book of Abstracts, Yerevan, 2019, p.224.
  39. Lusine V. Danielyan, Hrachya G. Hovhannisyan, Development of synbiotic biopharmaceutical preparations for improvement maternal and infant health, International Pharmaceutical Conference ''Drug Development: From Design to customer'' September 23-25, Book of Abstracts, Yerevan, Armenia, 2019, p. (oral presentation)



National Standard of Armenia AST 173-2015, Lactic acid product Narine general technical conditions.
















